Imagine a life when you are not solely reliant upon the utility company to provide your electricity. As utility rates continue to climb, more and more families are turning to the sun to power their homes.
Grid-Tied Solar Panel Systems
The most commonly installed solar energy system today is a grid-tied solar panel system. Grid-tied solar panel systems allow you to greatly reduce your electric bill by consuming solar energy during the day and utilizing energy from the utility company at night.

How does it work?
Solar panels (also known as photovoltaic panels) can be installed on the roof of your home and garage or mounted on the ground. The solar panels convert light (photons) into electricity (voltage). Each panel is connected to a microinverter that changes the electric current from DC (direct current) to AC (alternating current). Each microinverter operates independently of the others so that if one stops working your system is still generating maximum power.
The microinverters are also connected to a communication hub that is coupled with the internet. Information is sent to our monitoring system that allows Sunkey and you as a homeowner, to know when one of your microinverters is not working properly. The software allows you to see how much energy you are consuming.
The energy generated by the microinverters is then sent through your electrical panel to power your home. Any excess power is sent to the utility company. When the sun is not shining, your home is being powered by the utility company.
While there are a few different ways that grid-tied systems can be configured, this is the most common and most cost-effective for suburban Denver home-owners.
Since there are no running parts in the solar panels, there is very little wear and tear. Therefore, the maintenance requirements for the solar energy systems are very low. Both solar panels and solar thermal can last up to 35 years. On top of the low maintenance, there is no running cost during the production of solar energy. Once the system has been installed, the generation of power is free for the entire lifespan of the system.
Off-Grid Solar Panel Systems
An alternative to being tied to the utility company is an off-grid solar panel system. An off-grid system is similar to a grid-tied system with the exception that all the solar energy that is generated is stored in solar energy battery banks in your home. A charge controller sits between the batteries and the solar cells to ensure that the batteries do not overcharge. With an off-grid system you are 100% electricity independent.
The benefits of switching to solar energy are many. Adding solar panels to your home offers a secure investment as solar energy is not only sustainable but renewable as well. It is performance guaranteed and proven to significantly increase the value of your home while decreasing your energy bills.
If you:
- Are unhappy with your energy bill
- Are concerned about expensive rate hikes and your reliance on the utility companies
- Want to reduce your impact on the environment by lowering your fossil fuel consumption
- Want to take advantage of incentives offered by the Federal and Local governments for switching to solar
Call Us Today
At SunKey Energy we will offer a free solar panel installation estimate. We’ll tell you:
- What it will cost to install your system
- Provide you with financing options
- Present to you an estimate of how much you can look forward to saving by switching
- Answer ANY and all of your questions.